Monday, November 29, 2010

So Thankful

‎"If the only prayer you say in your entire life is "thank you," 
that will suffice." Meister Eckhardt

Precious Father, thank you for the love of my dear family and friends. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to comprehend how or why they love me like they do but I will be forever grateful. It is through them that I learn how to love others better. I know they are a gift from you.

Thank you for the challenges I’ve faces this past year that have brought me closer to you. It is often that I turn to you during difficult times and I have seen you show up in amazing, loving ways.

Lord, thank you for all the new experiences and places you have led me in Uganda. You have led me to Nkumba, Entebbe, Katakwi, Kisii (in Kenya) and countless other villages where I have met your precious children.

Thank you for the people in my life that are difficult for it is through them I learn to truly love and turn to you. Your word says to love your enemies, to pray for them and to ask you to bless them and without those people I would not experience your blessing in doing so. I feel like it is during difficult times and through difficult people that we are stretched and grow in our relationship with you.

Lord, thank you for By the Hand Club for Kids. The staff and children of By the Hands are absolutely wonderful. I feel so blessed to have spent so much time and energy with such an awesome, Christ-centered organization. The kids and staff have brought me closer in my relationship with you and for that I am thankful.

Thank you for River City Community Church. This is my church home. I absolutely adore this place and wish I could bring it with me to Uganda. The teaching and people are stellar and a rare gift. I pray that you would lead me to such a place in Uganda.

Thank you for the love of the Ugandan people. Over the past year I have met countless Ugandans that have opened their arms and hearts to me and through them I have seen you.

Lord thank you for Facebook and cell phones.

Thank you for the community in Arizona that has embraced me as their own, as one they have known for years.

Jesus, thank you for Gift, Sarah, Amuge, Sobla, Peter, Kizza, Josie, Yvette, Sharif, Lillian, Marriet, Phionah, Shilom, Hope, Sam, Andrew, Josephine, Winnie, Fatuma, Akim, Peanut and all the other hundreds of children that I absolutely adore in Uganda.

Lastly Lord, thank you for being a God that loves His people. I have been overwhelmed lately with all the suffering going on in the world. In the past week 3 Chicago police officers have been killed. It hurts to watch as their families grieve. I met with one of the girls I used to work with in Cabrini Green and my heart aches for her and misses her dearly. She is going through a difficult time and my heart is heavy for her. I am thankful for knowing that you are all they need. Even if I could be in multiple places at the same time I know I have nothing to offer compared to your healing love. You provide more comfort and peace and love than I ever could. Thank you.

Friday, November 19, 2010

God is All I Want

I’ve come to a place where all I want is God. I want to be so in love Christ that everything in me wants to shout it from the mountaintops. I want to love Him so much that I am not able to keep it in. I want to be so filled with Christ that it seeps out of me. I want a faith that is unshakable. I want to be filled with His presence at all times. I want to follow Jesus everywhere and anywhere. I want to love people like Christ loved people. I want to see people with His eyes. I want to depend on Him for everything. I want Christ in me, working through me to reach people, to love people.

That is what I want. That is my Christmas wish list.

But I am not there, so I am going to pray and read His Word until that happens.