Monday, September 28, 2009

What a Blessing!

The last few years that I have spent in Chicago have been absolutely amazing. Words cannot describe how I feel right now as I reflect on my time in Chicago. I have spent endless hours exploring the city I have come to love. I have met some of my closest friends over the past few years and shared in countless experiences with them. But most importantly I have experienced God's love and grace through the people He has brought into my life. I truly believe that God has used the people in my life to speak truth and love to me - and for that I am forever grateful.

Thank you.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Update on the Well!

Good news - we have confirmed with experts in the water purification industry that Living Water is a good organization to use for digging the well. We had heard that several organizations will dig a well for a lower cost but that after a year there is a huge risk that the well may not be operating correctly, that the filtration system may be broken and the cost of repairing the well could be thousands of dollars. Hearing that Living Water is a reputable, trustworthy organization is wonderful news.

More good news - we are going to dig 2 wells for the school!

When I first got the news that we would need 2 wells for the school I was immediately discouraged. Instead of raising $10,000, we would now need to raise $24,000 and in my mind that was just too much. But as I began to think about it more, I realized a few things: 1) there are many people out there with generous, giving hearts that will support this goal, 2) God is good and will provide for His people and 3) nothing will be accomplished by worrying or stressing out.

God is fully capable of providing $24,000 for the wells and I need to believe that with all my heart. While I am fully aware that God works according to His time and not mine, I would still really love to have the wells dug by Christmas!

I will keep this updated as we learn more information.

Thank you all for your love, support and prayers.

"Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord." Psalm 31:24

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

6 more weeks and counting!

The countdown has begun and October 15th is just around the corner! I want to first and foremost thank each of you for your prayers and support. I would not be able to do this without you - I feel extremely blessed by each of you.

Many of you have reached out to me with questions on ways you can support my move and I want to let you all know where I stand with raising support. Rather than raising support to cover my cost of living for the next year, I would like to raise money to dig a well for the school and community where I will be working and living. When I was visiting Uganda in June I noticed that not once during my 2-week trip did I see children drinking water. If you ask the staff what the children drink they will tell you that the children drink porridge. Porridge is their 10 am snack during school since most of the children don't have breakfast. The kids that go to the school where I will be working go all day without drinking water.

I don't have to tell any of you the serious health risks of dehydration or feel the need to list the horrible statistics of deaths related to lack of water, I think we all know how incredibly important and crucial water is for our well-being. Also, I don't know anybody that would let their own child go an entire day without drinking water or send their kids to a soccer game without a water bottle and in my mind if it isn't ok for our kids, then it shouldn't be ok for other kids to live under such circumstances.

I did a bit of research on the signs for dehydration and signs of malaria - as you can see from the chart below they have incredible similarities. My first day to Uganda a staff member and I took 3 kids to the clinic to be treated for Malaria and even then the kids didn't feel better for about 3-4 days. I can't help but wonder if those kids actually had Malaria or if they were just in desparate need of water.

Signs of dehydration:
· Weakness or fatigue
· Muscle soreness
· Headache
· Nausea

Signs of Malaria:
· Muscle aches
· Headaches
· Fatigue
· Nausea

The organization we will use to dig the well is Living Water ( The water will be purified and safe to drink straight from the well and will provide water to over 1300 students and staff daily.

I will make it one of my priorities when I get to Uganda to do education for the school staff, students and community on the importance of water. I am confident we will see a huge improvement in the lives of the children once we are able to get them safe drinking water.

It absolutely breaks my heart to think of kids not have water to drink after a soccer game or when they feel sick and have a fever. I live such a life of luxury that I cannot fathom such a life and so I ask that you would consider partnering with me on this mission. We have been in contact with Living Water and they estimated the cost would be around $10,000 for the well. I would absolutely love to have the money raised by October 15th and have the well dug by Christmas - what a fabulous gift that would be!If you are in the position to financially contribute to the cost of the well, there are 2 ways you can give:
  1. Make a check out to Remember the Poor and mail it to me at 148 Circle Ridge Dr, Burr Ridge, IL 60527. I will then forward the checks on to the Remember the Poor bookkeeper in Washington
  2. Visit and submit your gift via PayPal. Please make sure to note that the money is for the well project

Remember the Poor is a 501 c(3) organization that financially supports Nkumba Ministries, the organization I will be working with in Uganda. They will be able to process all donations and send a monthly wire to Uganda with the funds. For more information on Remember the Poor, please visit them at

Thank you all so much! I will have access to the internet when I am in Uganda and will make sure to provide you all with regular updates.

With love,Cara